Patriote Wins the 2010 Manitoba Championship

Congratulations to Gary and Sally Lockee of LaGrange, Tennesssee, owners of Patriote on his win of the Manitoba Championship which concluded on September 15. Jim had a huge prairie all-age race with 4 finds — 3 on sharptail grouse and 1 on Hungarian partridge. Jim won the Championship in 2009 as well and we are very proud of him!


2010 Manitoba Championship. Winner: Patriote trained and handled by Colvin Davis, scouted by Mazie Davis. Shown with Daniel Haase. R-U: Prairieland Pride, handled by Randy Anderson and scouted by Tay Humphreys.


Colvin and Mazie with White Powder Pete after his great run in the Manitoba Championship. Pete had a good find on sharptail grouse (chickens!).

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